The Musma Museum. Discovering contemporary sculpture in Matera


Among the most interesting attractions in the city of Matera there is the MUSMA, the Museum of Contemporary Sculpture. Inaugurated in 2006, with a project started in 1978 with the Great Exhibitions in the Sassi of Matera, this space contains the history of Italian and international sculpture from the late 1800s to today.
Inside Palazzo Pomarici, the museum, whose exhibition is due to the curator Giuseppe Appella, houses works owned by the organizing foundation, Zetema, and works received as a donation, grouping inside the sculptures of artists, collectors and critics from Worldwide.


The palace is also called “of the hundred rooms”, extends over 3000 square meters on three levels, and which represents another masterpiece of the Lucanian city, an example of 16th century architecture, located on the edge of the Civita – l the oldest area of ​​the Sassi – a few steps from Palazzo del Duca, embellished with a portal surmounted by an arch and particular spiral-shaped geometric ornaments.
Among the most famous rooms in the museum there is “the Sala della Caccia“, enriched by his paintings with hunting theme.
To get to the MUSMA, just walk the road that starts from the Cathedral. From Piazza Duomo simply proceed along Via San Potito for about 50 m, turn right following the signs for Casa Noha, complete the flight of stairs and turn right again.
The Museum of Contemporary Sculpture of Matera is a real flagship for the city, the only museum “in the cave” in the world, where you experience a perfect symbiosis between the sculptures and some of the most characteristic places carved in the Sassi of Matera.
All museum spaces, in fact, cover not only the built-up areas of the Palace, but open up to the large excavated hypogea. Here the visitor is immersed in a unique atmosphere, where art and history mix with the suggestiveness and strength of the rock environments.

An unmissable stop for those who decide to visit Matera

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