A hotel with a taste of home. A place where hospitality and experience meet.

We like to describe ourselves like this, like a family place, where true luxury is first of all to feel always pampered, just like at home. Then the experience, about Sassi and this extraordinary city, with a fascinating history to discover and live. Starting from the Palace that houses our hotel, which dates back to the fourteenth century and the prestigious Malvinni Malvezzi family, the former owner of the house. Located in the “Civita” of Matera, in the highest and noblest part of the Sassi, where noble families lived at the time, Palazzo del Duca is the result of an important and accurate restoration and redevelopment project, which has allowed to revive the structure in all its glory respecting the original system.


Even the furniture of rooms is the result of this “attention” to the past, reminded by the candelabra, headboards, precious stone bathrooms, but also in the finishes and many other valuable elements: These, even embellished from the modern velvet, brass and crystal, that never betray the simplicity and taste of a style, the materan one, which is mainly expressed through poor materials, such as wood and iron.

The glorious history of the past lives on in a perfect match between references to the past and elements taken from contemporaneity. Just think of our suite with private pool and all the modern services provided by the hotel.


We believe that taking care of guests is the main aspect to which we offer our enthusiasm and time: a welcome that characterises all staff members, able to make extraordinary and authentic our customers experience.

This aspect derives mainly from the love we have for our land, which we try to transmit, combining comfort and tradition. The colors, the aromas, the customs and the flavors of Matera are the extraordinary experience that our guests will be able to live in Basilicata.


Shapes, colors and atmospheres.
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